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Demand Generation


This section highlight automation  and enablement tools, features, functionality, tactics and strategies to optimize demand generation.


Sales Enablement Emerging As Top Priority As Reps Struggle To Sustain Dialogue With Changing Buyer

BtoB companies' inability to align sales and marketing teams around the right processes and technologies has cost them upwards of 10% or more of revenue per year, or $100 million for a billion-dollar company, according to IDC.

With BtoB buyer behavior continuing to evolve, industry research points to an emerging skills gap within sales organizations, as reps are finding it more difficult to sustain a dialogue with prospects. These trends have pushed sales enablement to a top priority for BtoB organizations are challenged to empower sales teams to deliver relevant, high-touch interactions.

“Buyers are saying they have critical timeframes that have to be met, and the sales folks they are working with are not meeting these timelines,” noted Michael Gerard, VP Sales Advisory Service, IDC. “It might be the result of sales folks dropping the ball, or a lack of skills. Don’t overlook the fact that it might be a lack of support within the organization. We have to help make those connections.”

The Magic of 12: How to Magnify Lead Generation Results Using Multiples

By Dan McDade, President & CEO, PointClear

“I called them three times, and they didn’t get back to me so they must not have been interested.”

Have you, a member of your field sales team, or one of your inside reps ever called a prospect a few times without connecting and then given up? The answer is likely “yes” as the temptation is to assume a prospect isn’t interested and move on.

A Prescription for Healthier Marketing


By Joe Chernov, VP of Content Marketing, Eloqua

Social media and demand generation are becoming marketing’s equivalent of the Hatfields and McCoys. The feud runs hot, and ultimately comes down to fundamentally different worldviews. Social media practitioners tend to trust that great content and great experiences will, eventually, result in new buyers. demand gen professionals believe in one thing: data.

Believe me, I run social media for Eloqua, a company in the lead generation industry.

5 Tips to Reinvigorate Your Lead Generation Efforts

James_RogersBy James Rogers, VP of Marketing, Hoover’s

Uncovering new leads to add to the pipeline isn’t easy. Strategies that were once successful may no longer generate positive outcomes, signifying the need for a change in your approach. There are many tactics to help drum up qualified leads, but it’s important to remember that there is no “one-size-fits-all” model for success. If your marketing and/or sales teams are struggling to generate qualified leads, consider the following five tips to refresh your lead generation efforts: 

BtoB Buyers Leveraging More Resources Before Making Purchase Decisions, Preliminary Research Shows

The transformation of the BtoB buyer continues to evolve, as preliminary results from the DemandGen Report’s second annual research study, Inside The Mind of the BtoB Buyer, points to continued expansion of the sphere of influence and new factors shaping the decision-making process.

Based on preliminary findings, 53% of respondents indicated that they took more time to research and consider solutions, while 44% utilized a wider variety of sources to research their options. The early results also point to purchasing decisions becoming more of a “group effort,” as 30% of respondents indicated that more internal team members provided their input into decision process.

Testing: 5 Steps To Find The Right Formula For Effective Emails


By Jeff Revoy, Chief Product, Marketing and Strategy Officer, iContact

Testing is the most effective, most often overlooked, way to improve the results of email marketing campaigns. It yields actionable data that can be used to improve poorly performing campaigns or to give good campaigns that little boost into the stellar range. Unless emails consistently result in 100% conversion rates, there is always room for improvement.

Next-Gen Lead Gen; Buyer Centric Tactics Take Center Stage at Online Marketing Summit

As the web plays an increasingly critical role in the BtoB buying process, marketing and sales professionals are challenged to develop an understanding of the pain points and needs of prospects in order to serve up relevant content.

The Online Marketing Summit (OMS) Regional & International Conference Tour, Presented by ClickZ and Online Marketing Connect, explored topics including social Media, search, analytics and demand generation, During the tour’s Jersey City, NJ stop, the content focused primarily on Buyer 2.0 and the increasingly larger role of the web in the buying journey.

Relevancy: The Case for Personalization


By Brad Heidemann, Founder and CEO, Tahzoo

Relevancy is worth its weight in gold these days. There are too many channels and too much content from which we can all choose each minute of the day and night. If we hit a site that doesn’t click with us immediately, we’re gone. We want the right information, in the right format, at the right time, on our device of choice.

DemandGen Report Honors 10 BtoB Organizations In The 2011 Sales & Marketing Alignment Awards

SMAA-3BtoB organizations of all sizes across a variety of markets are deploying automation tools to re-engineer internal processes and align sales and marketing teams. This collaboration is driving revenue growth, and improving campaign results and effectiveness for a multitude of companies, churning out effective leads and nurturing longer-term buyers.

DemandGen Report’s third annual Sales and Marketing Alignment Awards profiles 10 companies that have successfully adopted technology to drive an influx of top-funnel lead generation, maximize campaign development and response, and cut internal costs.