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Feature Articles

New “Freemium” Models Turn Up Heat In Marketing Automation Space

While free trials of marketing automation software are a relatively common practice to give prospective clients a feel for the features and benefits of a solution, several vendors are now exploring a new “freemium” pricing model to compel prospective customers with a “limited access” complementary version.

The “Freemium” concept has caused a stir in the marketing automation space as Loopfuse launched its FreeView offering in June, and last week Genius unveiled a no-cost version of its Demand Generation product.

Virtual Events Extend Engagement; Offer ‘365’ Lead Gen Environment

As interactivity has become an increasingly important element of marketing campaigns, virtual events have offered marketers a way to engage prospects and customers in a cost-efficient manner while upping the ante for lead generation opportunities. A growing trend among BtoB marketers is to leverage online environments for a “365” approach to lead generation.

With technologies evolving to support enhanced engagement, virtual events platforms are becoming a perpetual lead generation and engagement tool. “We are experiencing strong demand from corporations, which seems to outpace the adoption of industry event organizers,” said Joerg Rathenberg, Senior Director of Marketing at Unisfair. “Companies typically are faster to jump on the bandwagon of new technologies. They see clear advantages of being able to reach much larger audiences directly, with the same or less effort it would take them when going through another organization. Customer engagement is one of the key metrics of our time and customers want to interact directly with brands where possible.”

Sixth Time Is The Charm To Convert New Leads, Contact Research Shows

New inquiries should be called immediately and in 2 subsequent time windows during the first day until contact has been made, according to new research from Leads360. More specifically, the report said, calling 3 times during the first day, once on day 3, again on day 4, and a 6th and final time on day 11 or 12, is the optimal call attempt strategy for marketers. If contact has still not been achieved, calling on day 3, 4, and day 11 or 12 will help maximize contact and conversion rates, without requiring additional calls or time investment from agents, besides automated email follow-up.