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Feature Articles

Modern BtoB Demand Gen Tactics, New Management Frameworks Highlighted In New Book

finalAs content messaging plays an increasingly critical role for prospects in the buying process, marketers are uniquely challenged to provide relevant value at every possible touch point. That said, it has become imperative for BtoB sellers to simultaneously focus on the buyer and adopt an operations mindset. This requires organizations to implement new frameworks for internal consistency and better overall market positioning. These and other tactics are explored in the new book “Balancing The Demand Equation,” by Adam B. Needles, Chief Strategy Officer at LeftBrain DGA, a Silicon Valley, CA-based demand generation agency.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Feature Articles
  • Hits: 3294

TreeHouse Interactive Integrates With Ventana New Media Engine To Drive SEO-Powered Content

VentanaAs BtoB buyers continue to move towards anonymous, web-based buying, it has become more important than ever for solution provider to play a larger role in the content discovery process.

TreeHouse Interactive, a provider of channel-focused CRM SaaS solutions, recently partnered with Ventana New Media, a provider of integrated content distribution, lead generation and viral community building to give its clients added capabilities around content tracking.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Feature Articles
  • Hits: 3263

Eloqua’s IPO Filing Stirs Dialogue Among Analysts, Competitors On Industry Impact

The recent news of Eloqua’s IPO filing brought renewed attention to the marketing automation and revenue performance management. The majority of competitors and industry analysts applauded the move as a milestone event for the category. At the same time, the revealing look inside Eloqua’s business and financial performance, drew industry commentary from competitors.

Experts suggested the move further validates the growing impact of automation solutions, and overall vendor positioning. "Eloqua's recent IPO filing highlights not only the continual growth the marketing automation market is experiencing, but also the commitment of vendors to expand the functionality and services offered,” said Jonathan Block, VP and Service Director of Reputation Management Strategies advisory services at SiriusDecisions, Inc. “The IPO also hopefully signals a new era of greater financial reporting transparency, which can only benefit customers through their due diligence in choosing a marketing automation vendor."

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Feature Articles
  • Hits: 5080