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Feature Articles

Top Stories of 2009

As 2009 comes to a close, I want to thank you for your continued support and interest in DemandGen Report. This has been a challenging year for marketers as budgets were slashed and buyers became even more fickle. Fortunately, many new tools and tactics emerged to help marketers read and respond to the changing behavior of BtoB buyers.

As always, we welcome your feedback on our content and encourage suggestions for editorial topics in 2010. In order to keep pace with the changing environment, we are committed to reporting on the latest BtoB sales and marketing trends, solutions and touchpoints to provide cutting edge content to our readers.

For this year-end edition of DemandGen Report, we have compiled a special edition of the top 10 most read stories of 2009. Thanks again for your continued support. All the best for a happy and successful new year.

  • Written by Demand Gen Report Team
  • Category: Feature Articles
  • Hits: 2946

Advanced CRM Integration Emerges As Key Piece Of MAP Success

The first consideration for new adopters of marketing automation platforms is making sure the solution can easily integrate with their existing CRM systems. However, as new users are getting more sophisticated with their processes and programs, industry insiders are stressing the nuances of the integration process, which can play a significant role in the success or failure of a rollout.

Industry Analysts Predict Increased Adoption, Sophistication For Automation In 2010

Steep budget cuts and gaps in expertise created some speed bumps for marketing automation adoption and demand generation investments in 2009. However, increased awareness and sophistication, combined with a growing trail of successful case studies are expected to make marketing automation more of a must-have investment for leading BtoB organizations in 2010, according to a poll of leading industry experts.

  • Written by Andrew Gaffney
  • Category: Feature Articles
  • Hits: 7888