COVID-19 Update

The Model for the New Revenue - Centric Marketer

Live Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT - On-Demand

Measurement is a priority for all marketers but a focus on tactical metrics has kept many marketers from truly proving the value of their efforts. Now for the first time a new study from DemandGen Report has tied together the impact of deeper measurement capabilities with marketing’s contribution to revenue.

This webinar will showcase the results of a brand new survey from DemandGen Report on the relationship between Marketing Analytics and Revenue Performance Management.

Register today for this webinar which will reveal key findings from the research including:

• The key business drivers for increased marketing measurement
• The average level of visibility executives currently have into marketing’s impact on revenue
• The metrics marketers are currently using to track marketing and revenue performance
• Average conversion rates at various phases of the funnel
• Benchmarking on the average revenue contribution of marketing departments

In addition to the survey data, the webinar will also provide models and guidelines based on analysis of leading marketers into:

--The 5 metrics marketers should be focusing their efforts on
--Steps marketers have taken to improve their revenue contribution

Featured Speakers: 

Jim Williams, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Eloqua
Andrew Gaffney, Editor, DemandGen Report
