ReadyContacts Offers Actionable Leads And Contact Databases To Vendors And Partners

The vast majority (85%) of B2B organizations indicate that their customer and prospect data is frequently incorrect, out of date and/or obsolete, according to Demand Gen Report research. For OEMs and manufacturers with channel networks, however, the problem is amplified – poor data quality impacts their own businesses, yet it also complicates their channel partners' lead generation and sales efforts.

In this week's Solution Spotlight, available as a free downloadable PDF, we'll show how solutions from ReadyContacts can solve these problems and improve B2B channel results. ReadyContacts allows organizations to:

  • Identify ideal target accounts for channel partners, based on their geographic expertise;
  • Develop role-based, decision-maker contacts for each target account; and
  • Complete and update contact information for all contacts, including their email addresses.

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