True Influence Launches Intent Data Feed for B2B Marketing and Sales

True Influence, an intent-based marketing and demand generation solutions provider, announced its IntentBase data feed. The tool aims to provide B2B marketing teams with intent signals that represent opportunities to connect with a target audience.

The IntentBase data feed can be tailored to each organization’s specific needs and can power every aspect of B2B revenue generation. Using the data stream alongside the company's advanced Relevance Engine analytics can help True Influence customers deliver data relevant to selected accounts and topics.

Key features of the data feed include:

  • The option of either domain intent data, contact intent data or contact data;
  • True Influence Identity Graph technology that identifies intent signals absent from other data streams;
  • Advanced triangulation, which pinpoints accounts, locations and specific individuals who are expressing intent;
  • Buying groups or demand unit determination by customer persona, which identifies individuals who match the criteria across any account list or audience segment; and
  • Artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing, which identifies the person in-market and topical interests and maps intent activity.  

“Quality intent data can be a powerful predictor of who is in a specific market and ready to buy, enabling organizations to improve the performance and success of their sales and marketing programs,” said Brian Giese, CEO of True Influence in a statement. “Our data covers the entire world wide web, researching intent across millions of accounts and locations, increasing the amount and quality of intent data that our users receive.”