Testimonial Hero Acquires Applause Labs To Improve Video Testimonial Services

Testimonial Hero, a B2B video testimonial service, has acquired video testimonial platform Applause Labs to improve the efficiency, speed, quality and effectiveness of their own video testimonials service.

The acquisition involves the integration of Applause Labs’ asynchronous video capture capabilities into Testimonial Hero’s platform, allowing users to film video testimonials independently without marketers being physically present. The companies hope the acquisition will allow users to increase the quality and effectiveness of their videos while working both on-site and fully remote.

"This acquisition strengthens our ability to make stunning, fully remote video testimonials increasingly frictionless," said Sam Shepler, CEO and Founder of Testimonial Hero. "The acquisition of Applause Lab brings strong technology and talent that aligns perfectly with our mission to make stunning video testimonials absolutely effortless for B2B marketing leaders."