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Terminus Unveils ABM Cloud For Salesforce Partner Program

abm cloud imageTerminus, an account-based marketing (ABM) platform, has created ABM Cloud for Salesforce, a partner program for ABM vendors whose products integrate with Salesforce CRM.

The program will help marketers create ABM software solutions that will mesh with their existing Salesforce solutions, according to Terminus.

“Our goal in creating the ABM Cloud for Salesforce is to provide customers a blueprint for ABM and to recommend technologies that will help them execute their ABM strategies at scale,” Sangram Vajre, Co-Founder and CMO of Terminus, said in a statement. He also called ABM Cloud for Salesforce a “game changer for B2B marketers.”

ABM Cloud for Salesforce offers companies a framework consisting of the five core components of ABM strategy. It includes tools that can help marketers:  

  • Identify potential accounts;
  • Expand reach within accounts;
  • Engage with accounts;
  • Advocate for the product; and
  • Measure the attribution and engagement from accounts.

This move comes at a time when B2B marketers are investing more in refining their ABM strategies, according to the SiriusDecisions 2016 State of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Study. Seventy-three percent of companies surveyed are investing more in ABM this year than they did in the past 12 months, and 58% of them plan to invest in services to enhance their ABM efforts in 2016.

“Our research shows that B2B marketers have now refined their account-based strategies and are ready to invest in new capabilities,” Craig Rosenberg, Co-Founder and Chief Analyst at research and advisory firm TOPO, said in a statement. “But selecting the right mix of complementary solutions is proving to be a challenge. Account-based practitioners need vendors that work well together to solve specific problems. The ABM Cloud for Salesforce is a positive step toward a vendor landscape where solving these problems is both easier and more efficient.”

Thirty-five B2B vendors have joined the program so far, including EverString, Lattice, Bombora, ZenIQ, Influitive, Engagio and Terminus itself, according to the company.