Study: Personalization And Smaller Segments Can Double Email Open Rates

A recent study conducted by Constant Contact highlighted that personalized email campaigns to smaller segments can lift email rates by roughly 150%.

The study analyzed approximately 100 billion emails sent by Constant Contact users between 2014 and 2015. Findings show that email campaigns sent to segments of 35 subscribers or fewer saw an average open rate of 55%. The study also revealed that campaigns sent to more than 7,500 subscribers saw an open rate of 14%, highlighting that a more personalized approach enhanced the messages sent to smaller segments.

“This study provides conclusive proof that personalizing the emails you send, so that you’re speaking directly to specific interests and wants of a subscriber, not only strengthens the relationship with subscribers, it results in better campaign performance,” said Jesse Harriott, Chief Analytics Officer at Constant Contact. “Small businesses tend to be great at developing authentic customer relationships and this data underscores the marketing value of those relationships.”

Other findings from the report include:

  • The average open rate for a B2B email campaign is 20%, compared to the 23% average seen by B2C organizations;
  • Professional services saw the best B2B email open rate, averaging a 26%; and
  • A little more than half (51%) of all emails were opened on either a smartphone or tablet.

Click here to download charts highlighting the study findings.