Roderick Jefferson Releases Book Outlining The Next Phase Of Sales Enablement

“Sales Enablement 3.0: The Blueprint To Sales Enablement Success,” written by sales enablement expert Roderick Jefferson is now available for purchase. The book details an innovative approach to sales enablement that centers around increasing sales productivity through a systematic, personalized and collaborative approach.

Prior to the book launch, Demand Gen Report sat down with Jefferson to discuss the inspiration behind his work and talk about the evolution of sales enablement as a whole. According to Jefferson, “sales enablement is getting the right people, in the right conversation, with the right tools, at the right time.”

In the book, Jefferson delves into the best practices of fueling the conversation economy, including how to navigate the challenges that companies face when designing, deploying, measuring and iterating a sales enablement strategy. Specifically, the book touches upon:

  • How to help companies increase profits across the board and mitigate risk;
  • Methods of increasing internal collaboration across all departments;
  • How sales tools, stages and methodologies fit into the buyer’s journey; and
  • Much more.

“There are no silver bullets or a single approach that'll guarantee success,” said Jefferson, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “However, there is a formula, just like other success processes, programs, tools, that requires a combination of practical application, trial and error. And then a lot of conversations with sales leaders. Sales enablement 3.0 is going to require a change from the way we've always done it. That change is not just with enablement; but also with marketing.”