Launches Flagship Text-Enabled Platform, a business texting service, released a flagship messaging, marketing and customer engagement platform to help businesses connect with buyers via text.

The platform enables businesses to send automated and two-way text messages on a mobile device using their existing business phone numbers. It will equip users with automated outbound text messages to improve targeted outreach, with features such as:

  • Textcasts, which send a broadcast of text messages to a targeted list of contacts;
  • Timetexts, which automate texts to be sent at a specific time for reminders and follow-up; and
  • Series, which arescheduled texts at predefined intervals to targeted contacts.

The platform also supports inbound text routing, including:

  • Pathways, which handle inbound messages with automated responses or actions; and
  • Live Agent, where customers can engage in two-way text conversations in real time.

Finally, the solution uses customer notifications, promotions and live interactions, such as appointment reminders, delivery tracking, customer surveys, marketing drip campaigns, sales inquiries, customer support and more to improve customer engagement.

“Consumers are so used to the convenience of texting, they now expect to be able to text the businesses they work with,” said Jeff Beck, President of, in a statement. “In fact, some businesses are getting texts now and don’t even know it. With the solution, they can quickly text-enable their existing business phone numbers and start interacting with customers today.”