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Outreach Launches AI-Powered 'Smart Email Assist' Tool

Outreach launched a new feature that integrates generative AI technology into its Sales Execution Platform. Smart Email Assist is an AI-powered automatic email response generator for salespeople that is designed to go beyond email templates to auto-generate accurate and relevant email copy based on prior conversations.

The new tool allows sales reps to edit and personalize the AI-generated content, saving them time from having to draft up emails from scratch. The company will reveal more features and capabilities at its Explore+ event on March 15, 2023.

"Outreach has a long history of leading the industry with innovation," said Manny Medina, Co-founder and CEO of Outreach, in a statement. "Integrating generative NLP technologies within our Sales Execution Platform to unlock new levels of productivity for sales teams is just another important step. Today, we're doubling down on that strategy with the announcement of Outreach Smart Email Assist. We're removing the burden of starting every email with an empty text window and allowing sellers to be an editor instead of an author. When every AE has AI at their fingertips, sales leaders will see massive efficiencies across their teams, so they can create and close more pipeline. Our customers keep us accountable to bring the latest innovations that deliver ROI for them — and this is just another example of us honoring our commitments."