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Marketo Pushes For Tighter ABM, AdTech Experiences With Demandbase & LiveRamp Partnerships

At the company’s annual summit in Las Vegas, Marketo, an Adobe company, unveiled new partnerships with Demandbase, an account-based marketing platform, and LiveRamp, a customer identity platform. The partnerships aim to help mutual customers combine their individual and account-level data to better target prospective customers across multiple channels. It also deepens the relationship between both companies and the Adobe Ad Cloud, better positioning marketers to leverage their own data and insights garnered from Demandbase or LiveRamp to target and engage accounts.

With the new Demandbase partnership, users can combine first-party contact data from Marketo with intent-level insights from Demandbase, positioning them to connect known and anonymous account data across the two solutions. The partnership is designed to help users identify accounts with a high propensity to buy, while also providing a holistic view of the buyer’s journey by connecting anonymous engagement to closed business.

“As you can imagine, we are very excited about the partnership,” said Peter Isaacson, CMO of Demandbase, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “Adobe, with Marketo, is making a concerted push into B2B and recognizes that they want to partner with a leader in ABM. They want their customers who have become more sophisticated with their ABM strategy to have a kind of a natural path into a partnership and a seamless product integration.”

With the LiveRamp partnership, Marketo users can connect their first-party customer data to LiveRamp’s digital advertising ecosystem, positioning users to create more targeted lists for their paid media efforts. This convergence of marketing and advertising technology aims to help users deliver more consistent brand experiences across channels, according to LiveRamp.

“As people-based marketing tactics continue to gain favorability among marketers, the role of first-party data has become even more critical,” said Scott Howe, CEO of LiveRamp, in a statement. “Marketo customers can securely leverage their unique Marketo data for activation across online advertising channels through IdentityLink, improving the relevancy of one-to-one customer interactions in the digital ecosystem.”