Lead Liaison Adds Real-Time Event Triggers To “Spark” Relationships
- Written by Kim Zimmermann
- Published in News Briefs
Lead Liaison, a revenue generation software provider, has upgraded its Lead Management Automation (LMA) platform to include real-time event triggers known as Sparks.
Sparks are automated responses that can trigger a series of actions in a variety of ways. For example, an email click-through can be assigned as a trigger, as well as a web site visit by a potential customer. The trigger sets off an immediate action, such as delivering an email or instantly assigning a lead to a sales rep.
Marketing and sales teams can analyze the lead and deduce how they want to respond to the inquiry, company official noted.
“Our research has shown that real-time user-based triggering events 'spark' B2B relationships more effectively and relieve marketers and sales teams from having to manually respond and update their CRM systems,” said Alex Brown, VP of Communications at Lead Liaison. "Users are also able to sharply focus the messaging to specific inquiries such as completing a web form or requesting a data sheet.”
Sparks is the latest in a series of upgrades to the LMA in 2013, which included the additions of an email deliverability service in April and social post management in July.