Invoca Adds Phone Call Data To Customer Journey With Salesforce Marketing Cloud Integration

Call intelligence company Invoca unveiled its new platform for the Salesforce Marketing Cloud designed to connect inbound phone calls to the user’s email marketing initiatives. This can help B2B marketers accurately attribute emails to revenue, identifying success and connecting the dots between initial engagement and closed business.

The integration will allow Invoca customers to have their call data integrated throughout Salesforce Marketing Cloud, including Journey Builder, Audience Builder, Email Studio and Data Extensions. This can then enable marketing teams to optimize their customer journeys and gain deeper insight into buyers’ paths to purchase.

Key features include:

  • Closed loop attribution for every call driven from email;
  • Insight into buyer engagement, including who’s calling, what drove them to call and what happened during the conversation; and
  • The ability to report on calls alongside email clicks for a holistic view of marketing performance.

“Phone calls are critical to buyer-focused relationships; the most important interaction you can have is a live conversation,” said Kyle Christensen, VP of Marketing at Invoca, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “This solution allows users to measure that engagement and sync it with marketing tech.”