Demand Science Acquires Tidings To Improve Sales Enablement Capabilities

Demand Science, a global buyer intelligence platform, acquired Tidings, an on-demand automated newsletter creation SaaS platform, to expand its sales enablement and intelligence solution suite.

The acquisition will allow Demand Science users to leverage a variety of Tidings’ features, including:

  • The ability to create and send email newsletters to customers and prospects quickly with no-code tools;
  • Compatibility with all major email service providers;
  • Integrations with social channels;
  • A content delivery engine for sales and marketing professionals; and
  • The ability to increase open and click rates.

Tidings’ Founder, David Mihm, will stay on as VP, Head of Product, to lead sales intelligence and enablement efforts.

“The acquisition of Tidings fits very well with our strategic roadmap as a global buyer intelligence platform,” said Peter Cannone, CEO of Demand Science, in a statement. “By adding relevant, content-driven customer engagement through an easy-to-use SaaS business tool, we are able to further extend our solution suite to B2B sales and marketing professionals. Newsletter are an important ingredient of customer engagement. As businesses move to a new normal, legacy sales touches will continue to shift buyer behaviors by leveraging social platforms for information, validation and research.”