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Clari Unveils Forecasting Capabilities To Help Predict Revenue

Clari, a revenue operations (RevOps) platform, revealed adaptive forecasting capabilities to help start-up businesses accurately predict revenue results across revenue types, channels, product lines and more.

The enhancements to Clari’s RevOps platform leverage the company’s stored customer data to analyze business performance and provide users with a 360-degree view of their business execution.

The forecasting capabilities include:

  • Full-funnel forecasting that integrates revenue data across CRMs and business systems to predict revenue outcomes;
  • Adaptive revenue metrics that provide insights into retention rates, product pipeline mix and more to help organizations gauge the health of their businesses;
  • Segment forecasting, which enables users to forecast accounts into specific segments based on their attributes for specific revenue goals;
  • Account planning insights that empower users to inspect and target prospect accounts with account-specific data insights for more informed planning;
  • Usage-based forecasting to help users track account activity and estimate their revenue usage to determine potential outcomes; and
  • Scenario forecasting, which enables revenue leaders to plan “what-if” models that gather data to inform forecasting updates and changes.

"Forecasting is the heartbeat of the revenue process, and it's been broken for a long time," said Andy Byrne, CEO at Clari, in a statement. "We're fixing this by combining execution insights, time-series data, forecasting workflows and AI-assisted projections to bring rigor and predictability to every revenue team on the planet."

The announcement aligns with Clari’s investment in developing products/strategies that drive revenue, as stated in its Series E investment funding announcement.