Act-On Adds Real-Time Website Personalization Capabilities To Platform

Source: Act-On Software

Adaptive marketing platform provider Act-On Software has launched Adaptive Web, an AI-based inbound marketing tool that aims to help marketers deliver personalized website content at the individual level — in real time.  

The solution is driven by machine learning that tracks omnichannel website visitor behaviors. It is designed to then automatically launch individualized content recommendations based on the visitor’s engagement, including case studies, blog posts, press releases, E-books and more. Return visitors are also provided a personalized and dynamically updated “My Library” page that houses all the recommendations for them. 

Furthermore, Adaptive Web is designed to provide full visibility into KPI reporting that shares insights into the impact of each recommendation. The dashboard includes trending content reports, as well as comparisons of time spent on site and average pages viewed between those who viewed recommendations and those who didn’t. 

“We believe that marketers achieve their best results when marketing is made personal, so we’re challenging the conventional wisdom that website personalization is only for large marketing teams with ample resources,” said Kate Johnson, CEO of Act-On, in a statement. “Because it is powered by machine learning, our Adaptive Web solution requires minimal effort on the part of the marketing team and improves outcomes over time as it accumulates intelligence.”