Only 2.8% Rate Their Demand Gen Programs As Effective, ANNUITAS Enterprise B2B Study Reveals

Only 2.8% of enterprise B2B marketers rate their demand generation campaigns as effective at achieving goals and fewer than half use buyer personas in their planning and strategy.

Those are just some of the finding of ANNUITAS’ 2014 Enterprise B2B Demand Generation Study, which focuses on enterprise-level firms with revenues in excess of $250M per year and most with more than 500 employees. Demand Gen Report was provided with a preview of the study, which will be released on Nov. 6.

More than three quarters (77.4%) of respondents reported that “quality of leads” was a top goal of their demand generation programs and campaigns, but “revenue generated” was the primary measure of success, cited by 27.4% of respondents.

“What this really shows is that there is a disconnect between what enterprise B2B marketers view as a successful lead generation strategy and what they are actually measuring,” said Carlos Hidalgo, CEO of ANNUITAS, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “It is a little alarming that what enterprise B2B marketers consider to be primary measures of success are not aligned with their key performance indicators.”

Some additional research highlights:

  • 60.4% run 15 or more campaigns on an annual basis;
  • 42.5% of organizations are consistently aligning their content to that of their buyers’ pain points and challenges;
  • 43.4% use five to seven tactics to deliver marketing content; and
  • 75.5% use lead nurturing as part of their demand generation strategy


ANNUNITAS executives will discuss the results in a webinar on Nov. 6 at 1 p.m. ET. Registrants will receive a complete copy of the study.