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Industry Analyst & Author Rebecca Lieb Asks The Tough Questions On Tech In B2B Ad, Owned Channels

Headshot Rebecca LiebAs the cost — and effectiveness — of paid advertising has been brought under question by the B2B community, the role content plays in these paid, earned and owned channels grows evermore important.

During this year’s B2B Marketing Exchange, Rebecca Lieb will present a session titled The Eclipse Of Advertising And What It Means To Your Content Strategy, where she will discuss how to maximize the impact of content on ownedchannels, such as blogs and websites, as well as content repurposing techniques in paid and earned channels. The session will also spotlight new forms of converged media, such as native advertising, and how technology impacts all these techniques and trends.

Rebecca Lieb is the Co-Founder & Analyst at Kaleido Insights, a research and advisory firm based in San Francisco that aims to provide business leaders with clarity amidst a fragmented technology landscape. Lieb is also the author of the new book “Content: The Atomic Particle of Marketing.”

Read on to learn a bit more about Lieb’s session.

Demand Gen Report: What new realities are B2B marketers facing, and how have you noticed it impact your vertical in particular? 

Rebecca Lieb: New technologies are coming at an ever-faster pace. This creates confusion within organizations as well as uncertainty. What to adopt? Reject? Will it work with our existing systems? How do tech disruptions impact our business, our customers and our ecosystem (partners, supply chain, etc.)?  Marketing is arguably the most affected channel by this accelerating rate of change.

DGR: How does your session topic impact the above realities, and what advice would you give marketers who are just beginning to learn more about it?

Lieb: I'll be addressing specifically how emerging technologies and technological change are impacting advertising and marketing. The more digital advertising becomes automated, the more consumers are turning away from it. How do you capture awareness and attention in an era of ad avoidance, ad blockers, social media and owned content? The balance is shifting radically and continues to do so as technology and media interact in ever-changing ways.

DGR: What real actionable takeaways can attendees expect from your session at B2BMX?

Lieb: I hope marketers will come away with new ideas about how to approach marketing, media and their media mix.

DGR: What are you looking forward to the most about the event?

Lieb: I’m truly looking forward to the face-to-face and in-real-life interactions in store with some of the smartest marketers on the planet!

Brian Anderson

An avid B2B journalist with a knack for all things trendy in the POS, mobile and social space.