Gagein 2.0 Uses Predictive Scoring And Artificial Intelligence To Prioritize Sales Activities
- Published in Revenue Strategies
Gagein announced the next generation of its sales productivity tools as well as upgrades to its Salesforce edition at Dreamforce.
The application is positioned as a tool that uses artificial intelligence, Big data analysis and predictive algorithms to find actionable sales triggers from online news.
Gagein 2.0 is designed to help salespeople:
- Identify high-value prospects based on real-time news;
- Predict which prospects offer the highest sales potential; and
- Rank them based off of their potential.
“If a salesperson is the first to contact a prospect, research tells us they have a 74% chance of winning the business,” said Gagein’s CMO Richard Dym in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “But the key is that there has to be a compelling reason for the call. We look for sales triggers to help salespeople identify which are the most likely prospects and provide them with the basis for productive conversations.”
Dym explained that Gagein uses natural language processing and machine learning to solve the Big Data challenge inherent in searching the Internet for triggers — such as a new product launch or an addition to the executive team — that would indicate a sales opportunity.
In addition to mining media and social data sources for actionable news that identifies larger prospects, Gagein reads millions of web sites to extract sales intelligence.
Gagein 2.0’s key features include:
- Predictive scoring — using patent-pending predictive algorithms, Gagein calculates sales potential based on aggregate composite trigger values adjusted for time, company size and momentum, and ranks the resulting list of prospects.
- Intuitive user interface — a new user interface emphasizes productivity with daily high-value scored prospect lists, one-click access to news trigger events and company, personnel, competitive and social background information.
- Gagein Business for teams — designed for companies that want to use Gagein Professional in a team environment, Gagein Business provides the account and user management tools necessary to ensure sales teams are making the most effective use of Gagein. Team features include centralized billing and account management tools that allow administrators to easily manage user accounts, assign and transfer seats, and set global usage rules. Gagein Business also offers a dynamic family tree that graphically displays the corporate interrelationships for each of a company’s high value prospects, making account ownership and management easy.
Gagein also launched Gagein for Salesforce 2.0 (G4SF2.0), featuring enhanced management reporting and new grouping tools.
New executive performance reports enable ROI reporting by summarizing overall Gagein usage and effectiveness, including leads and opportunities created and triggers used, while individual user activities can be tracked through detailed drill-downs reports.
Gagein users can now organize leads into user-defined groups, such as hot prospects or sales territories.