
Study: Disconnect On Responsibility For Customer Experience

Act-On-TransparentWhile 80% of marketers believe that they have a peripheral role in the customer relationship, 85% feel that sales and support teams are currently responsible for the customer experience. This is just one of the key findings from a new study published by Act-On Software, in association with Gleanster Research.

The study 0f 750 B2B marketers examined their role in the customer lifecycle and supporting the customer experience.

"Modern marketing is undergoing monumental changes, and the role of the marketer has fundamentally transformed from pure brand builder, to lead generator, to overseer of interactions across the entire customer lifecycle," said Atri Chatterjee, CMO of Act-On Software. "But, most marketers have not realized their new responsibility with this change. Those who have are the top performers who are interacting effectively with their customers throughout the lifecycle, and thereby generating outsized returns for their businesses."

Other key findings include:

  • Roughly 83% of marketers consider the use of multiple systems to manage multiple marketing channels as their top challenge, while 56% say integrating marketing and sales technology and 41% state configuring campaigns is their top challenge;
  • Average firms spend 67% of their effort acquiring new customers, while top performers only spend 52%; and
  • 82% of decisions made by average firms are not metric based, in comparison to only 39% of decisions made by top-performing B2B companies.


Click here for a full copy of the report.

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