
Leveraging Social Data And Personalization Key Topics At Marketo Virtual Summit

Road2Success LogoNext generation personalization and leveraging social data were among the topics at Marketo’s recent virtual conference, titled: The Road To Success Virtual Summit.

In the opening keynote session, Kiip co-Founder and CEO Brian Wong discussed the need for an always-on mentality, even in the B2B world. “In this model of living, we are super obsessed with connectivity and serendipity,” said Wong. “We want things now. We live in moments, and we consume in moments.”

When it comes to engaging prospective buyers, one interaction could potentially make or break a deal, Wong explained. Personalization has become a key factor in every aspect of the buyer engagement process — no matter where in the funnel they are.

“As soon as something is perceived as an ad, it will quickly and easily be taken as a negative experience,” said Wong. “We need to creatively do these ads well to provide context without giving off that negative first impression.”

Social Listening Requires Data Management

In another session, executives from HootSuite and uberVU shared into newer ways social media intelligence strategies can help monitor, focus, collaborate and engage via social media to gain a complete view of the customer.

“Customers are interacting with brands in many different ways,” said Jeanette Gibson, VP of Customer Experience & Community at HootSuite. “Some customers are very comfortable with brand interaction on social sites like Twitter and Facebook, but other companies prefer to interact with their customers in different ways. So the main role of social intelligence is to help brands understand how their customers are deciding to interact with them.”

 For a complete view of your customer, Gibson suggests to audit your data and group the information into two segments: traditional data and social data.

“By aggregating the inputs from your customers, your company can then share real-time insights throughout your teams,” said Gibson.“This really enables you and your organization to gain clear insights on your current and prospective customers.”

With the growing amount of social data flowing into the B2B marketer’s database, it has come to the point where marketers cannot analyze and measure this data on their own. According to uberVU CEO Mark Pascarella, this is where new technology is required in order to maximize the value of the data collected.

“It has gotten to a point where more data is not better,” said Pascarella. “Marketers need to have software at their disposal that can automatically highlight the valuable aspects of the data they already have.”

Other notable presentations during the event included:

  • Author John Jantsch focused on the buyer’s journey, and outlined the path that marketing and sales teams need to collaborate to  turn prospects into loyal and profitable customers and clients;
  • Marketers from AgilOne, SalesCycle and Tracx educated attendees on how Big Data can help drive much more engaging and personalized communications throughout the customer lifecycle; and
  • Representatives from Marketo and Aetna discussed how customer engagement technologies make it possible to segment provider databases, develop targeted outreach programs, and monitor results with diagnostic KPIs.


Click here to view an on-demand version of all the presentations at the Marketo Road To Success Virtual Summit.

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