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Latest Forrester Report Provides A POST Up Strategy For Firms To Tap Into Social Media

Most of the headlines covering the findings of Forrester Research’s new report on Social Media focused on the low adoption rates of Web 2.0 tools among BtoB marketers. And while the research did show that Web 2.0 hype may be outpacing the reality in the BtoB marketing mix, some of the more valuable takeaways were found in the four-step strategic methodology Forrester introduced, which the firm has defined by the acronym POST (People, Objectives, Strategy and Technology).

New Survey Shows Firms Focusing On Demand Generation Are Outgrowing Their Competition

Companies with effective lead generation strategies are more likely to outgrow their competitors, according to the findings of a recent research study conducted by Marketing Profs and the Lenskold Group. The report titled “BtoB Lead Generation: Marketing ROI & Performance Evaluation Study,” explored the practices companies are utlizing to track the performance and return of their marketing efforts.