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WeWork Acquires Conductor, Sets Foundation For Digital Business Services

1weworkConductor, the organic marketing and content intelligence platform, has been acquired by the coworking and office space company WeWork for an undisclosed fee. With the acquisition, Conductor is positioned to grow its enterprise marketing cloud while WeWork expands its portfolio to offer services and solutions that go beyond physical office locations.

 “Together, Conductor and WeWork share a vision to bring a human-driven focus to the trillion-dollar marketing category,” said Seth Besmertnik, CEO of Conductor, in a blog post detailing the announcement. “We want to inspire and contribute to the cultural revolution happening across modern companies and put people — our coworkers, our customers, our communities — first.”

Since the company was founded in 2005, Conductor has raised more than $60 million in funding. In 2010, the company launched its Searchlight platform, which is designed to provide users insight into search behavior to drive organic traffic and create high-quality content. Conductor will continue to operate as an independent entity, with Besmertnik reporting to WeWork’s President and CFO Artie Minson.

“Seth and his team built Conductor to provide the insights, education and resources their customers need to succeed — in other words, Conductor helps their customers do what they love, and do it better,” WeWork’s Minson said in a statement. “Conductor has made it easier for us to reach potential WeWork members who are looking for work space. It has also helped us get the word out about the services and amenities that we offer to companies of all sizes.”

The Conductor acquisition is WeWork’s third in the past six months, highlighting WeWork’s push towards offering digital services for its clients. These acquisitions include:

  • Flatiron School, which trains individuals in web application development; and
  • Meetup, a social-driven application to create in-person events for digital communities.