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Tropic Launches Buyer Enablement Platform Following Seed Round

Tropic has announced the general availability of its buyer enablement platform after securing $2.1 million in seed funding from the Founder Collective, with additional financing from Company Ventures and individual investors. The company said it will use the funding to expand its New York headquarters and scale its engineering, operations and go-to-market teams. Micah Rosenbloom, Partner at Founder Collective, will join Tropic’s board.

Tropic’s platform aims to guide teams through the buying process of buying software. Tropic’s platform is designed to match businesses to the best vendors based on their specific needs, allowing buyers to collaborate across teams and stakeholders, compare vendors and products and communicate and negotiate with vendors in real-time in one place. On the other side of the platform, vendors have limited visibility into how they are performing in each deal opportunity relative to competitors at every step in the sales process.

“Businesses today waste billions of dollars on software that doesn’t fit their needs, simply because they didn’t have all the information they needed to make an informed decision,” said David Campbell, Co-founder and CEO of Tropic, in a statement. “Meanwhile, vendors chase businesses whose use cases will never be a good fit, frustrating countless sales teams. Tropic’s buyer enablement platform reverses the software sales process by putting the information and power in the hands of buyers. We provide the technology and expert insight to help businesses find the perfect software for their needs; centralize all the information they need to make a decision and collaborate with vendors in real-time; and, ultimately, make the best software choices for their business.”