Poll: Only 43% Of Marketing, Sales Reps Aware Of GDPR

  • Written by Stephen Betz, Contributing Writer
  • Published in News Briefs

Openprise, a data orchestration platform for marketing and sales, unveiled new poll data that shows only 43% of B2B sales and marketing professionals are aware of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The poll shows that companies with EU data in their database indicated a higher awareness for GDPR at 72%. However, only 60% of these companies indicated that they had a framework to ensure GDPR compliance.

The company polled 508 attendees at this year’s Dreamforce conference in San Francisco on their awareness of the GDPR, which takes effect on May 25, 2018. The regulation affects any company that has EU prospect or customer data in its marketing and sales systems, regardless of whether it has offices or salespeople in the EU.

The new regulations aim to strengthen data protections for all individuals within the European Union, while also addressing the export of personal data outside the EU.

In an additional poll, companies who knew of GDPR showed varying opinions on the biggest challenges of the upcoming regulations:

  • 49% of companies said they had a framework in place for compliance;
  • 38% weren’t sure what the biggest challenge was when it comes to compliance;
  • 32% perceived “managing data stored across different parts of the organization” as the biggest hurdle;
  • 21% said it was understanding GDPR’s impact; and
  • 10% noted “identifying who within the organization shoulders the responsibility” as a key challenge.

“It’s disconcerting that companies as a whole still lack awareness when it comes to GDPR, not to mention an understanding of how to gain compliance,” said Ed King, Founder and CEO of Openprise, in a statement. “The runway is disappearing. If you have any EU data in your sales and marketing databases, you must act now to ensure GDPR compliance and avoid steep penalties that could sink your company.”