Demandbase Releases Intent-Based Sales Solution For ABM Platform

ABM platform provider Demandbase has announced the launch of its next-generation Conversion Solution. The product aims to provide tighter ABM integration between marketing and sales teams that can help improve the sales process by delivering AI-enabled intent data and insights to sales teams.

The Conversion Solution — which integrates with Salesforce Sales Cloud, Slack and LinkedIn Sales Navigator — is designed to help sales teams keep their finger on the pulse of every account, including when they are on their company’s website, in the news or have a spike in interest in their products.

“Our Conversion Solution gives Sales access to the right information when and where they need it in order to execute on ABM,” said Chris Golec, CEO of Demandbase, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “Our AI technology is able to comb the Internet and surface relevant and timely insights to Sales so their outreach to target accounts can be more effective. In just a few weeks, the Conversion Solution has helped both our own SDR team and customers book new meetings and make connections with prospects.”