Limelight Updates Platform To Speed Content Delivery
- Written by Kim Zimmermann
- Published in Content Strategies
In recent testing, validated by third parties, Limelight demonstrated up to an 8x web site performance improvement, translating into an 88% reduction in web site visitor wait time, explained Kirby Wadsworth, CMO, in an interview with Demand Gen Report.
“People have become highly sensitive to the time that it takes to access a web site or download a video,” Wadsworth said. “This update is about getting great content into the hands of the audience as efficiently as possible no matter the device they are using.”
Delivery experience enhancements include:
• Enhanced caching. The Orchestrate Content Delivery Service improvements provide additional flexibility in caching settings to enable customers to maximize cache-hit ratios. Web site visitors will benefit from shorter wait times as the content is closer to the user, resulting in faster downloads and less video buffering.
• Dynamic content acceleration. The Orchestrate Performance Service provides end-to-end optimization enhancements, delivering dynamic web content to end users up to 8x faster.
• Front-end acceleration. Enhancements to front end acceleration reduce wait times and boost web page loading for specific browsers, and find the most efficient path to route objects, decreasing the number of trips required from the point of origin to the end user and the size of each request.
Limelight has also added hundreds of servers across the globe to provide more than two terabits per second of incremental capacity.