84% Of Companies See Growing Demand For Mobile Content, New Report Shows
- Written by Brian Anderson
- Published in Content Strategies
An overwhelming majority (84%) of companies are seeing healthy growth in demand for mobile content distribution, according to a report titled: Mobile Content Distribution Strategies, from Genwi, a real-time content marketing platform provider.
Other key findings of the report, which was produced in association with Gatepoint Research, include:
- In new areas such as mobile, 70% of marketers are directly or indirectly involved in selection and management of tools;
- The overwhelming majority of B2B executives surveyed (89%) still rely heavily on traditional content formats such as PDF; and
- More than half (56%) report that static or stale content is the main issue in content distribution, yet 44% admit that they do not employ a content marketing specialist or lead.
One hundred executives from financial, business services and manufacturing sectors participated in the report, and shared their insight into how mobile content is affecting their businesses. The report highlights that creating content, managing content and brand management are the primary struggles for these companies and their mobile content efforts.
“Our research underlines the idea that content is becoming the critical resource for marketers, with mobile overtaking all other access methods,” said Paul Danter, VP of Marketing for Genwi. “It’s clear that evolved marketers are seeing the opportunity in bridging content and mobile as a way to gain a competitive edge, yet they are struggling to acquire the right tools and skills to capitalize on it.”
Click here to download the full report.