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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

Marketers On The Metaverse

The metaverse, cryptocurrency and NFTs are everywhere — but what potential do they hold for B2B marketers? This survey-based infographic explores marketers’ understanding of the latest tech trends, the current state of adoption and where the future of technology is headed.

5 Steps To Empower Your Sales Team With Content Experiences

The sales and marketing disconnect often leads to disjointed brand communication, meaning it’s imperative that marketers create content that aligns with their needs and goals of their sales team. This infographic explores how sales leaders are using content and their key pain points in the process.

What’s Working In Intent-Based Strategies: Organizations Prioritize ‘Slow Drip’ Strategies To Engage Buyers

The modern B2B buyer is stealth — they frequently decline cookies and operate under the anonymity of incognito servers and VPNs. With 41% of buyers indicating that the first step of their buying journey is conducting anonymous research, marketers have viewed intent-based strategies as the elixir to buyer identification. But in reality, harnessing its full power is only possible by…

2022 Digital Experience Benchmark Report

If you're looking for insights into the latest global shifts and trends in digital consumer behavior, you're in the right place. While great digital experiences for consumers are often viewed as the means to increased convenience and a better variety of products and services, for brands, the beauty of digital experience intelligence is in the data and the business insights…

Data Collection In A Post-Cookie World

With relatively new regulations implemented by big tech companies increasingly limiting the use of cookies and tags that enable advertisers to track prospects’ online behaviors, this infographic explores how marketers can protect buyer privacy without sacrificing data quality.

What's Working In Demand Generation: Content Is Key As Shift From Digital-Only To Hybrid Strategies Continues

B2B organizations are growing more aggressive with their demand generation strategies in 2022 — and for good reason. After nearly two years of digital-only connections, face-to-face engagements are slowly coming back, which means marketers are forced to pivot their strategies once again for a hybrid world. Research from Demand Gen Report's "2022 Demand Generation Benchmark Survey" found that budgets are…

Strategic ABM Gifting: A CMO’s Silver Bullet To Engage The Enterprise

In the remote work era, prospects crave humanized experiences more than ever. It's not surprising, then, that 83% of consumers feel positive about receiving packages. Buyers and customers see specialized gifts from organizations as tokens of appreciation. On the organizational side, gifting accelerates account-based marketing (ABM) efforts and helps build trust. But many enterprise-level execs are neglecting to marry the…

7 Perks Of Sales & Marketing Alignment

Getting marketing and sales teams on the same page often feels like herding cats — but it’s a necessary obstacle organizations must cross. This infographic examines seven perks of marketing and sales alignment, backed by relevant data points.

2022 State Of Sales Acceleration: Orgs Focused On Engaging Prospects On Their Own Terms & Embracing The Changing Buyer’s Journey

B2B buyers have officially moved into the driver's seat when orchestrating purchases and researching vendors/solutions. With modern preferences for forming large buying committees, self-service journeys and content overload, sales teams are tasked with blending automation, content, analytics and resources in their strategies to deliver meaningful, personalized buyer engagements that increase deal velocity. With an understanding of the tools needed and…
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