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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

Better Leads, More Revenue: The Value Of Video Marketing

From the top of the funnel to post-sale, video is proving to be a powerhouse in boosting awareness, engagement, and the bottom line. Be it connecting emotionally or introducing new features, video is the go-to content type for marketers to reach customers at every stage of the sales cycle. This white paper will show you how video marketing can: Get…

6 Reasons Why Content Creation Is Still A Big Deal

While content is a common buzz word within the B2B marketing community, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it has lost its efficiency in generating B2B leads. The hype only means that content is still relevant in expanding one’s sales pipeline. This infographic from IT Sales Inc. highlights several key stats…

What B2B Marketers Can Learn From IKEA

B2B marketers can take a few lessons from the B2C marketing playbook, especially from leading retailers such as IKEA. This infographic from LookBookHQ outlines best practices in content marketing and personalization that can be applied to B2B marketing strategies. [Click To Expand] Source: LookBookHQ

The Complete Guide To B2B Marketing

Whether you want to be better at lead generation, content marketing, social media, ROI reporting or just a better overall B2B marketer, this E-book provides insights, checklists and worksheets to help you get there, including how to: Qualify and assign leads to sales – at the right time; Create engaging emails that resonate with your target audience; and Build a…

Automation And Predictive Analytics Fuel Lead Scoring Success

B2B marketers are looking to balance the scoring algorithms found in many marketing automation platforms with new tools such as predictive analytics to maximize the overall effectiveness of their lead scoring efforts. The goal is to position B2B marketers to provide their sales team with more high-quality leads that have a greater propensity to convert.Lead quality is a priority for…

Tips For Using Content To Drive Sales

Even though content marketing generates three times as many leads as traditional outbound marketing, only 6% of marketers consider their efforts “very effective,” according to the Content Marketing Institute. Content marketing platform ClearVoice designed this infographic with tips to improve the marketing funnel from content creation to conversion. [Click To Expand]…

7 Segmentation Barriers To Creating An Exceptional Customer Experience

B2B marketers have a vast amount of data about their customers, but many still struggle with their segmentation models. This infographic highlights key findings from a recent study conducted by Quarry, which focuses on seven barriers that many B2B marketers are facing when segmenting their audience to boost the customer…

How To 10x Your Content Marketing Team's Productivity

Notice that your content team isn't scaling like other departments within your business? While the going is tough, there is a way for you and your content team to maximize productivity without having your team burn itself out. Download this white paper to see how you can revamp your content team to boost productivity and decrease strain, including: How to…

Most B2B Marketers Have Attribution Models

Nearly three-quarters (74.6%) of marketers use some type of attribution model. However, just a little more than one-quarter (27.6%) of marketers chose their attribution model to give proper credit to the touches that impacted conversion, according to this infographic from Bizible.

New Models For Nurturing Leads With Live Multichannel Video Marketing

You're probably doing video marketing, but are you getting the biggest bang for your buck? From start-ups to established brands, marketers are taking their video from on-demand to live and seeing increased viewership, engagement and awareness. Fill out the form below to learn from successful brands how creating a live event can take your video marketing from average to amazing,…

Spending On Sales Processes Outweighs Messaging

With election season upon us, politicians aren’t the only ones who are flip-flopping on the issues. Companies say that sales messaging is what drives deals, but they are investing more in processes, according to a recent survey of B2B marketing and sales executives by Corporate Visions . This infographic outlines…
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