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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

Why Now Is The Time To Take On ABM

By now, a majority B2B organizations know that ABM is right for their business. But the real question is: how do practitioners make the most of their ABM efforts? This infographic from BrightFunnel shares tips and best practices to make the most of your ABM efforts, while also reinforcing those…

The Myths & Realities Of AI In Marketing & Sales

How Companies Are Gaining A Competitive Edge With AI Powered Applications That Fuel Their Pipeline. (Reality #1: it's easier than it looks) During this webinar, we share exclusive new research and break down the perceptions and plans of leaders and laggards around using artificial intelligence to power their marketing efforts. We'll present real-world use cases highlighting how leaders are getting…

Are SMBs Leading The Marketing Automation Boom?

This infographic from iDatalabs and MarTech Advisor shares key stats and figures highlighting the growth of marketing automation over the past three years, while also revealing where marketing automation adoption has grown the most and the components driving that growth.

2017 State Of Interactive Marketing

B2B marketers are seeing the benefits of interactive content to engage with buyers, and are beginning to incorporate the format into campaigns and content repurposing initiatives. Check out this interactive special report to learn how B2B content teams are dabbling with interactive content to have two-way conversations with prospective customers. This, in turn, positions marketing teams to better understand buyer…

Why Website Personalization Is The Most Important Part of Your Account-Based Marketing Strategy

When potential buyers from your target accounts visit your site, you want them to engage with the most relevant content, learn about capabilities and offerings pertinent to their organizations, and become more receptive to communication from your sales team. So if real-time website personalization is not a part of your ABM strategy, you are missing opportunities to be individually relevant…

2017 ABM Benchmark Survey: 74% Of Marketers Say Its Meeting Or Exceeding Expectations

Research Shows Early ABM Rollouts Hitting The Mark In Meeting Business Goals, As B2B Organizations Look To Expand Impact The buzz around ABM has been so loud for the past 18 months, it's understandable that some industry watchers have quickly categorized it as overhyped. However, Demand Gen Report's Second Annual ABM Benchmark Survey served as a good reality check for…

Top 10 Mistakes That Make Your Blog A Flop

This infographic from LyntonWeb highlights the 10 biggest mistakes marketers make when developing blogs that could hurt their overall impact. It also provides tips and best practices to overcome these mistakes and produce better blog content.

The Digital Business Imperative

For EBusiness & Channel Strategy Professionals You recognize that digital is a pervasive threat. Now it is time to do something about it. Download this white paper to learn from Forrester Research how you can set an effective course to drive your business strategy through the power of digital. You will learn: Why 33% of executives believe that digital disruption…

How Top Marketers Are Integrating Targeted Account Efforts With Lead Gen Strategies

The B2B Balancing Act Many B2B companies have launched ABM initiatives, but some are struggling with how to balance these more targeted programs versus traditional, lead-focused demand generation. The emerging reality is that both ABM and lead-focused demand gen have a role to play in today's B2B marketing efforts to prioritize high-value accounts and identify new prospects. Finding a healthy…

The Three Rs Of ABM

When it comes to an effective ABM strategy, B2B marketers are seeing results by focusing on “the three Rs.” This infographic from the ITSMA highlights the importance of reputation, relationships and — ultimately — revenue for practitioners to continuously deliver results with their ABM programs.

The ABM Planning Checklist

There’s more to planning an efficient ABM program than meets the eye. This infographic from the Spear Marketing Group provides readers a guide to guarantee new ABM efforts drive the desired results.
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