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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

Don’t Take It Personally: Where Personalization Fails Your Buyer

With the rise of website personalization, targeted display ads and all things ABM, marketers are able to combat waning attention spans and over-scheduled prospects by delivering more relevant offers and CTAs. But getting that initial click or download shouldn't be the finish line for basic account- or contact-level personalization. Today's business consumer craves a more relevant, curated and responsive experience…

The Tactical Guide To B2B Personalization

Best Practices & Processes For Bringing Personalization Into Marketing, Sales Conversations B2B buyers' tolerance for generic messaging is growing thin. They are increasingly expecting and demanding relevance at all stages of the buying cycle. Therefore, the old mass marketing playbook is quickly becoming obsolete, meaning B2B marketing and sales teams must flip the script to provide targeted, contextual customer experiences…

Mount Revenue And Relationship Marketing

This infographic from Sigstr offers insight into the gap between customer relationships and revenue, including that 52% of marketers have a structured ABM program but only half are achieving their revenue goals. It also outlines key steps to closing more deals, such as aligning sales and marketing, leveraging a relationship…

The Brand Management Playbook

Brand management plays an integral role in creating a streamlined omnichannel buying experience for both B2B and B2C customers. In order to serve the complexity of branding across organizations, marketers must ensure their brand is consistent everywhere, from the organization's website to social channels and beyond. Failure to deliver consistent messages and campaigns carries huge risks — not only to…

How To Increase Sales Productivity

This infographic from ZoomInfo offers valuable statistics on sales productivity, such as 42% of sales reps feel they do not have the right information before making a call and only 52% feel they are effective at reaching key players at target accounts.

The Key Ingredient To Fueling FIRE Strategies In Sales & Marketing

IAs modern marketing and sales teams focus on accounts, their buying groups and the individual needs of the people that make up these groups, they realize that they need the right data to fuel marketing and sales efforts. Ultimately, leveraging the FIRE methodology — an acronym for Fit, Intent, Recency and Engagement — can position B2B businesses to narrow down…

The Content Experience Report: 8 Data Science Insights You Can Use To Boost Content Engagement And Conversions

By combining quality content with a remarkable experience, marketers can drive engagement rates and boost results. The key components that impact the content experience are environment, structure and points of engagement. This report outlines eight ways marketers can enhance the content experience and move the needle for current and prospective customers. Key takeaways include: Placing content in more than one…

Getting Emotional In B2B Marketing

Buyers are 50% more likely to make a purchase based on emotional factors than functional value, according to new research from LinkedIn. This infographic reveals key findings on the value of incorporating emotion into B2B marketing campaigns and offers best practices for doing so.
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