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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

The Rise Of Revenue Operations

The number of revenue operations job titles on LinkedIn is growing rapidly, as evidenced by a 73% increase in "Directors of Revenue Operations" positions between October and December 2018. This infographic from Clari offers insights into the rise of revenue operations and outlines the key benefits of revenue operations teams,…

The Tactile Marketing Automation Idea Book

The digital world is a crowded place. No one is going out of their way to hear what you have to say. You have to get in front of them in a memorable, engaging way. But how? A tactile marketing automation solution can help you drive results through the send of personalized, high-impact dimensional mail, directly from your marketing automation…

What’s Next In Modern Marketing?

10 Industry Experts Sound Off On The Trends, Tactics & Tech Revolutionizing The Future Of B2B In an era of constant change and disruption, B2B marketing teams must learn to adapt and grow at a quick pace. Traditional, cold marketing tactics simply won't cut through the noise anymore, especially as B2B buyers continue to be influenced by the personalized experiences…

2019 State Of Marketing Technology

Savvy Tech Buyers Relying More On Integration Capabilities To Connect Disparate Data For Complete Customer View The marketing technology landscape is still growing at a rapid pace, leaving marketers to try and keep up with new software additions, integrations and acquisitions. The recently launched 2019 Marketing Technology Landscape "Supergraphic" revealed 7,040 marketing technologies on the market — up from 6,829…

How To Collect And Act On The Net Promoter Score

Collect customer feedback? That's a great start! Research shows that 83% of businesses who describe themselves as "successful" measure customer satisfaction. In fact, research published in the Harvard Business Review shows that the act of asking customers for their feedback makes them happier — and can increase their likelihood of shopping with a brand again. But if you're like many…

2019 Marketing Measurement & Attribution Survey Report

Benchmark Research Shows Reporting Matures To Track More ABM & Conversion At Specific Stages Of Buyers Journey Nearly every B2B organization strives to learn more about their buyers. Building journey maps, studying triggers and analyzing the behavior of key stakeholders are common practices for marketing teams. The common factors for all of these initiatives are having actionable reporting and metrics…

The 2019 State Of Content Marketing

Almost half (41%) of marketing budgets are now spent on content marketing, up from 23% in 2018. This infographic from HubSpot outlines other key statistics from its third annual State of Content Marketing Survey, including that 15% fewer marketers are using influencers and the number one metric for measuring content…

2019 Trends In Personalization

This infographic from Evergage highlights new research on personalization trends in B2B, including that 98% of marketers believe personalization can advance customer relationships and 74% believe it should be a bigger priority in their business.

The Enterprise Guide To Perfected Personalization

Several hurdles and challenges have prevented B2B enterprises from utilizing intent data to effectively provide relevant, personalized experiences on the one-to-one level. Data from Demand Gen Report shows that more than half (53%) of marketing teams want to collect buyer intent insights on their potential customers. However, 43% said their database initiatives need significant improvement to effectively support these initiatives.…

LinkedIn State Of Sales: Some Numbers To Help You Hit Yours

This infographic from LinkedIn reveals key findings from its third-annual State of Sales Report, including that top sales reps are 13% more likely to engage closely with marketing and 51% of decision makers say trust is the number one attribute they want in a salesperson.
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