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Categorized in two ways – by Type and by Topic – the Resource Center offers access to webinar coverage, white papers, E-books, Infographics and more. Looking for the latest custom content covering marketing automation, lead scoring or nurturing? This is where you’ll find it!

B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets And Trends 2020

Do you document your content marketing strategy? More than two-thirds (69%) of successful marketers have formalized their content marketing plans. That’s one of the key findings of recent research from the Content Marketing Institute that was highlighted in this infographic from Grazitti Interactive.

The Comprehensive Survival Guide On Lead Scoring

Lead scoring provides data-driven guidance that empowers sales teams to prioritize their resources and maximize conversion. It's a pretty deep subject when you drill down into the nuances of the scoring model, the data requirements, the technology options and implementation obstacles. Download this guide to: Gain insight into the nuances of the scoring model; Identify the components of a good…

How To Use Surveys In Each Stage Of The Marketing Flywheel

Surveys can help you attract customers, get direct feedback on their exact needs, and even help turn them into ambassadors for your brand — giving you the ammo you need to power your entire marketing flywheel. This guide will teach you how to develop survey questions that will allow you to gain insights and help you cater to your customers…

10 Email Marketing Tips To Boost B2B Sales

B2B marketers have relied on email marketing campaigns for decades, but the approach is continuously evolving. Segmentation, personalization and ensuring that emails are mobile-friendly are a few of the topics to revisit in order to boost engagement and, ultimately, sales.This infographic from Blue Mail Media outlines ten key email marketing…

2020 Killer Content Awards: Spotlighting B2B’s New Headlining Acts

Many B2B brands are making beautiful marketing music. While they’re certainly adhering to best practices established by industry legends, they’re embracing new formats, storytelling methods and creative themes to break through the noise. These are the new hit-makers and headliners in the B2B marketing world. window.location = ""

Five Insights From The 2020 Chief Marketer B2B Marketing Outlook

When seeking leads with the highest ROI, B2B marketers turn to email, search and content marketing, according to this infographic that highlights some of the key findings of the 2020 Chief Marketer B2B Marketing Outlook Survey. Engaging targeted prospects (57%) and finding those that convert (48%) remain among the toughest…

The Marketing Skills Top Recruiters Are Looking For In 2020

Aired On: March 18, 2020 @ 1 PM ET / 10 AM PT In 2020, what are the skills and experiences top companies are looking for in marketing leaders? If you're looking for an immediate change, vying for a promotion or just building your overall experience on your personal path to success, this webcast is for you. What does it…

Overcoming The Sales Capacity Challenge

Salespeople only have so many hours in a day to follow up with leads and convert prospects. But when the number of leads coming in far exceeds your team's ability to touch them, your organization loses out on sales-ready opportunities. This is known as the sales capacity challenge. Is your organization struggling to touch each and every lead? Check out…

Are Your Business Development Reps Effective?

While 88% of B2B companies say business development reps (BDRs) play a key role in their account-based marketing strategy, BDRs spend about one-third of their time on unproductive activity. This infographic highlights some of the key points from 6sense’s 2019 Sales Development Benchmark Report on building a successful sales development…

Maximizing Performance With Sales Coaching

Sales teams don’t transform overnight. It takes steady and consistent training over time. This infographic from ValueSelling Associates offers seven best practices to help your sales reps go the distance.

B2B Demand Generation Myths

Before planning your next marketing campaign, ensure that you are familiar with what B2B demand generation entails. This infographic from Thomson Data busts eight of the most prevalent falsehoods about demand generation.
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