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Data Rich - The Payoff Of Marketing Measurement On Revenue Performance


As marketers are increasingly tasked to deliver more metrics-based insight, analytics tools are helping BtoB organizations compete in the current business climate. While the pressure to justify spend may have jumpstarted the measurement movement in marketing, it is clear that there is a big appetite for insights beyond basic ROI metrics. As the analytics tools and processes available continue to improve and expand, the visibility of marketing’s role in revenue generation is quickly climbing. Nearly 9 in 10 (88%) of marketers have increased their analytics efforts over the past 12 to 24 months, according to a new survey of BtoB marketers conducted by DemandGen Report.

To learn more about the research findings, including the primary adoption drivers, as well as the key areas of measurement organizations are focusing on, download the white paper “Data Rich: The Payoff Of Marketing Measurement On Revenue Performance.”

Download Today.



As marketers are increasingly tasked to deliver more metrics-based insight, analytics tools are helping BtoB organizations compete in the current business climate. While the pressure to justify spend may have jumpstarted the measurement movement in marketing, it is clear that there is a big appetite for insights beyond basic ROI metrics. As the analytics tools and processes available continue to improve and expand, the visibility of marketing’s role in revenue generation is quickly climbing. Nearly 9 in 10 (88%) of marketers have increased their analytics efforts over the past 12 to 24 months, according to a new survey of BtoB marketers conducted by DemandGen Report.

To learn more about the research findings, including the primary adoption drivers, as well as the key areas of measurement organizations are focusing on, download the white paper “Data Rich: The Payoff Of Marketing Measurement On Revenue Performance.”

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Nearly 9 in 10 (88%) of marketers have increased their analytics efforts over the past 12 to 24 months."

- BtoB Marketers Survey, DemandGen Report 2011