Boost Your Image: Master the Three Stages of Video Conferencing Success
As marketers strive to embrace new, engaging communication platforms, the use of video conferencing is growing rapidly. In fact, users recently surveyed by 1080 Group expect to grow their own use of video conferencing by 211%, from an average of 3 times to more than 6 times monthly. Even progressive video marketers already actively using video conference expect to increase their own usage by 63%.
Are you putting your best virtual face forward? New, streamlined tools take video conferencing to the next level, as it is no longer an expensive tactic that requires hard-to-use equipment.
The new 1080 Group white paper, titled "Boost Your Image: Master The Three Stages Of Video Conferencing Success," explores best practices for video conferencing and provides a handy checklist for preparing and conducting a successful video conferencing session.
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