How To Turn Your Resource Center Into A Demand Gen Machine

For many companies, the resource center of their website turns into a content graveyard, rather than a dynamic driver of traffic, engagement and leads. 

Set aside 30 minutes of your day to learn how leading organizations are transforming their resource centers into “demand generation machines” by creating a content experience that makes it easy for visitors to find relevant content that converts.

Featuring real world case studies, this webinar will share tips on: 

  • Providing Content Recommendations Based on Areas of Interest
  • Embedding Clear Call-To-Actions
  • Amplifying Content for Sharing on Social Media 
  • Integrating Video, Images and Interactive Assets
  • Tracking the Performance of Content




Hana Abaza
Director of Marketing

Dana Harder
VP of Client Services


View now to learn how to turn your content library into conversion engine.


View on Demand Gen Report