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2013 Demand Gen- What Does the Future Hold?

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2012 has seen some significant developments in the world of B2B Demand Generation. Buyer habits are changing, content is king, marketing automation vendors are going public and web analytics and social media monitoring technology is being advertised on prime-time television.

What does 2013 have in store?

Four leaders in the B2B marketing and demand generation space look forward to 2013. Howard J. Sewell, Maria Pergolino, Andrew Gaffney and Jason Stewart share their reactions to the B2B marketing changes of 2012 and their predictions for next year. Join them on Thursday, January 17th as they discuss:

  • Buyer personas and "buyer persona backlash"
  • What's in store for Marketing Automation in 2013
  • Social Media, ROI and shifts in the "Marketing Cloud"
  • The rise of the Content Marketer
  • Live events, webinars and the tactics you should be using in 2013
  • How to strike a balance between lead gen and lead nurturing
  • Do people still read white papers?  What content offers work best with today’s buyers
  • Webinars and the role of event marketing in your demand generation mix

View this on-demand interactive round table discussion.


  • Howard J. Sewell, President, Spear Marketing Group
  • Maria Pergolino, VP of Marketing, Apttus
  • Jason Stewart, Director of Marketing, Demandbase
  • Moderator: Andrew Gaffney, Editor, Demand Gen Report



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