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Net-Results New App Integrates With To Connect Web Tracking & Lead Handling

Net-Results announced the integration of its marketing automation platform and lead management tools with Coupled with, Net-Results' new application is designed to bridge the gap between sales and marketing with regard to prospect and lead handling.


net-results_campaign_view_400wMatt Filios, Chief Operating Officer of Net-Results said “a handful” of customers are already using the integrated application and the company is looking to make the integration as seamless as possible. customers can download the Net-Results’ package into their account to provide both real-time summary data and detailed visit information for all accounts, contacts and leads. The Net-Results’ system tracks each visitor’s information to a customer’s website, and also delivers the most recent visits, pages viewed, total visit duration, page visit duration, navigational path, referral source, search terms, entry page, exit page, and more.


To further improve the efficiency of lead tracking, the Net-Results’ integration allows synchronization of accounts, contacts and leads, both to and from accounts, allowing users to define the contacts to synchronize at an individual level or on a reoccurring criteria-based level.


"Net-Results’ intuitive and comprehensive lead behavior tracking and management system provides a huge benefit to existing customers who are running lean in this economy and can’t afford to lose a good lead or waste time on weak prospect," said Net-Results CEO, Michael Ward. "Having accurate and detailed prospect activity data available in real-time accelerates the sales cycle that impacts your company’s bottom line."


Starting at $99 per month per subscription, Net-Results marketing automation service is targeted at SMB organizations, and offers no guaranteed contracts or set-up fees, according to Filios, “We provide complimentary monthly emails based on whatever tier a customer is in. Our tiers are based on average monthly page views over a three month rolling period, which allows for smoothing based on a certain promotion or launch within a certain month,” he said.


Filios added that the company is looking to address the staffing and budget limitations of SMBs by offering simplicity and flexibility. “We understand that most of our customers do not have armies of sales and marketing personnel to perform various roles within a traditional marketing automation platform” he added. “We built the system with the mindset of powerful simplicity. It begins and ends with segments, which drive everything else in the system. Once the user understands how segmenting works in our system, they understand every component and feature and how segments impact them.”


The integration package is now available on the AppExchange at