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Act-On Adds Twitter App Connecting Social Outreach To Marketing Automation

With more businesses looking to distribute their content and thought leadership out via social networks, Act-On Software has announced the addition of a new application called Twitter Prospector, designed to help clients automate the process of publishing content on Twitter and then measure and track the activity of prospects from the social network.

image001“We found that a lot of our customers were going through manual, time-consuming processes to get content published to Twitter,” said Shawn Naggiar, Vice President of Sales and Business Development for Act-On.  “Then after they published content out to their Twitter followers, they had no way of tracking the activity and determining if any leads were developed from that activity. With Twitter Prospector, we’ve made this a seamless process, which can be linked to existing landing pages, forms so companies can easily track the impact of that social outreach.”

The Prospector application includes: a setup tab, which helps to build templates for publishing content, a search function, allowing companies to monitor Twitter activity around keywords, competitors or industries; a dialog tab, which can transfer Twitter messages into an email inbox or a marketing database, and  a prospect tab, providing the ability to track Web visits or traffic to specific landing pages or microsites and provide simple dashboard reporting functionality.

image004Naggiar said the Twitter Prospector application has been in beta for the past 60 days with 15 existing Act-On clients and the feedback and results have already been extremely positive. Michael Vicchitto, Marketing Director at Jobscience, supported the success of his intial trial. "I road-tested the new Twitter app for Act-On by targeting potential webinar invitees and sending templated messages inviting them to register,” Vicchitto said. “By the end of the first day, I had successfully registered 15 ‘tweeple’ for my webinar and had centralized visibility into my Twitter conversations with them. Act-On has exceeded my expectations for a functional, effective Twitter prospecting tool and I'm excited to integrate it with my everyday B2B lead generation efforts."