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DemandGen Reports

Genius Expands Marketing Automation Tool Set With New Enterprise Release

After carving a niche by providing solutions that that enable frontline sales executives to quickly identify and connect with top prospects, is expanding its suite of BtoB marketing solutions with this week’s release of Genius Enterprise. The new offering significantly broadens the company’s marketing automation capabilities, adding functionality such as lead nurturing, real-time lead conversion and lead scoring to the company’s email marketing and demand generation solutions.

Logistics Provider Delivers Targeted Responses Via Lead Management Solution

For Transplace good things come in threes. As one of the top ten third party supply chain companies it has taken logistics outsourcing to a new level of expertise. And as a BtoB marketer it is consolidating its efficiencies in the three key areas of demand generation: email, direct mail, and now events.

After deploying lead management tools from LeadLife Solutions in October 2008, Transplace has tightened up all aspects of its demand generation efforts. Utilizing LeadLife’s tools, the company’s telemarketing is fueled by targeted, content-led email and direct mail initiatives that build relationships with key decision makers at highly-scored prospects.