
New Benchmark Study Showcases Payoffs From Lead Generation

A new study released last month spotlights the critical role lead generation plays in the sales success of BtoB companies, and shows companies who align sales and marketing with lead generation outpace competitors. The 2009 B2B Lead Generation Benchmark Study, released by Mac McIntosh Inc. and ExperiGenExperts, also found the vast majority of survey participants (94%) use more than four different lead generation tactics to get the job done.

The study results are based on a survey completed by 213 executives responsible for directing or implementing their companies’ BtoB lead generation programs, and are designed to measure BtoB lead generation activities and results in order to determine best practices. “Executives responsible for BtoB lead generation can use the results of this study to justify investments in lead generation at their own companies,” says M. H. (Mac) McIntosh, President and Principal Consultant, Mac McIntosh Inc.
The benchmark study showed a direct correlation between the investment companies make in lead generation and their sales success and competitive edge. For example, the study found those respondents that use more lead generation campaigns, each focused on specific market segments, generate better leads and sales results than those that use fewer, one-size-fits-all campaigns.
Other study findings include:

  • Companies that invest a larger percentage of their marketing budget in lead generation generally have better sales results than those who invest a smaller percentage.
  • Companies with an average sale size of more than $10,000 invest more in lead generation than companies with an average sale size of less than $10,000.
  • A majority (60%) of the companies reported that their outside sales teams find less than half of the opportunities in the sales pipeline on their own, and 40 percent reported that their outside sales teams find less than 30 percent of the pipeline opportunities needed.
  • The companies that have more frequent meetings between marketing, lead generation and sales get better results from their B2B lead generation programs.
  • Study participants found that some sources of leads are clearly more productive than others.  For example, “Inside Sales/Telemarketing” wound up at the top of two lists. A majority of survey participants picked “Inside Sales/Telemarketing” as one of their most productive lead sources when judged by sales results.  “Inside Sales/Telemarketing” also proved to be one of the largest contributors of opportunities in the sales pipeline.



The full, detailed B2B Lead Generation Benchmark Study report is available at an introductory price of $159, which is a $100 savings compared to the normal $259 price.  It can be found at www.lead-generation-benchmarks.com

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