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Going Beyond The Obvious With Predictive Analytics

shadow LS LS001 WP Predictive Aeb 2015Some things never change. For sales it’s always about the leads. For marketing it’s all about finding those leads for sales. But, as marketers work to cut through the clutter of email, social media and online content — while B2B buyers spend more time online and on social media during the buying process — many are stuck in the “old world” of analytics to score leads. Other, more progressive marketers are using predictive analytics to find the best leads.

Special Report: B2B Marketers Refine Lead Scoring Models To Boost Sales Effectiveness

shadow DGR DG012 SR LeadScoring Nov 2014It is clear that lead scoring continues to grow as a pivotal piece of the B2B marketing puzzle. Research from SiriusDecisions states that 68% of B2B tech organizations have implemented a lead scoring program implemented. However, fewer than half (40%) of those sales teams deem their lead scoring initiatives effective, and progressive marketers are looking for opportunities to refine and expand their lead scoring models to boost sales effectiveness.

The State Of Mobile Enablement

CV-Mobile-WPIt's time for your sales team to go mobile! This report highlights research-based insights into if, and how well, sales reps are leveraging mobile technology to enhance productivity and overall effectiveness, including:

  • Why only 23% of companies have deployed mobile technology, and why 82% don't plan to deploy them;
  • How mobile technology can increase product launch success and overall adoption rate; and
  • Where exactly sales reps are leveraging mobile technology in their daily routine.

Special Report: Webinar Best Practices Highlight The Need To Address Multiple Buying Stages

cover DGR DG011 SR WebinarBP Oct 2014

Webinars have become a mainstay of the demand generation strategies of many B2B marketers, as they remain an effective tool to engage prospects. Demand Gen Report’s 2014 B2B Content Preferences Survey shows that 67% of B2B buyers have used webinars in the past year to research B2B purchasing decisions.

However, many B2B marketers have focused on webinars as a top-of-the-funnel lead generation tool. Experts advise B2B marketers to develop webinars for multiple stages of the sales cycle to improve their conversion rates. In addition, the messaging needs to be short and highly focused.

Video Without The Studio

Shadow KNV KV001 WP Video Without The Studio FinalVideo content is everywhere you turn. But the challenge is capturing effective video content without busting the budget. This white paper outlines the strategies for producing affordable video content that leverages the knowledge of your subject matter experts.

Marketers Turning To Analytics To Improve Campaign Performance, Boost Engagement

DGR-SRSeveral years ago when marketers began to dive deeper into the data that they were collecting about prospects, lead scoring was a natural place to begin. Armed with greater knowledge about which leads were more likely to convert, salespeople could improve their performance and focus their efforts on the prospects that had the greatest chance of becoming customers.

The Video Marketing Handbook

Vidyard-ShadowB2B organizations are behaving more like media companies every day, creating video content that resonates and increases conversion rates. Download this handbook, and gain valuable insights into how video content can enhance your content marketing initiatives, including:

  • Why 70% of B2B marketers claim video performs better than other content;
  • The best way to formulate a video content strategy; and
  • Best practices to measuring the overall performance of your video content.