Drift Launches Sales Seat To Analyze Intent For Account Prioritization

The Sales Seat solution from Drift is designed to unify sales data and highlight which accounts and buying committees are the most engaged in the pipeline, allowing users to qualify buyers faster and increase engagement across various channels.

Back-Of-The-Box Details

Sales Seat is designed to collect intent signals from across an organization's website, marketing automation systems, sales engagement platforms and CRM activity to identify accounts with high intent and/or who need engagement. The tool provides sales reps with full account visibility, allowing them to prioritize which accounts to engage with for efficient outreach.

The solution also enables users to send videos, emails and chat messages directly to prioritized accounts, allowing them to engage and follow up with accounts showing high intent. It sends users real-time alerts when priority accounts are active on their website for real-time follow up.

Who It's For

Sales Seat is built uniquely for sales teams looking to create actionable intelligence for sales representatives, helping them become more efficient with their sales outreach and better understand buyer profiles.

What Makes It Special

Sales Seat analyzes a user’s digital touchpoints and collects buying committee data to prioritize outreach, providing users with instant notifications so they can just focus on engaging accounts.

