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True Influence Launches Open API For InsightBASE Platform

1APIData-driven marketing platform provider True Influence has added open API capabilities for InsightBASE, a solution designed to track online buyer behavior. The open API positions end users with the ability to connect their native systems to InsightBASE’s Relevance Engine.

With an open API, developers are able to plug smart Relevance Engine algorithm data into their applications, making it easily accessible to the marketing community. Integrating data provided by True Influence with other data sets in the user’s marketing stack enables marketing teams to use behavioral insight to enhance marketing initiatives.

"We committed to delivering a new capability to B2B marketers by productizing Intent Signals,” said Brian Giese, CEO of True Influence, in a statement. “This was an industry offering only raw data feeds, and our vision included creating a graphical user interface and linking people to intent signals so sales and marketing knows who to contact. This API is part of our strategy to make InsightBASE intelligence easily accessible and allows us to support any other usage of InsightBASE and Relevance Engine intent signaling data.”