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Google Unveils Suite Of Marketing Analytics Products

Microsoft Analytics placeitGoogle announced the release of the Google Analytics 360 Suite, a set of marketing analytics products designed to help enterprise-level marketers obtain and use insight on prospective buyers to gain a comprehensive view of the customer journey.

At the core of the suite is Google Analytics 360, formerly known as GA Premium. In addition to offering the same features and functionality available to current GA Premium users, Google plans to roll out new capabilities throughout the next couple of months, it said.

The launch of Google Analytics 360 Suite also includes four new products available to customers in limited beta. These include:

Google Attribution 360, a restructured version of the online attribution tool Adometry, which Google acquired in 2014. The solution intends to help advertisers value marketing investments and allocate budgets by analyzing performance across all channels, devices and systems. 

Google Audience Center 360, a data management platform designed to help marketers understand their customers and find more like them across channels, devices and campaigns. The solution is also open to third-party data providers and DSPs. 

Google Optimize 360, a website testing product that can position marketers to deliver better experiences through the users’ websites by providing multivariate testing capabilities.

Google Data Studio 360, A data visualization product that can integrate data across all the products within the suite, as well as other data sources. This enables users to produce interactive reports and dashboards that can help them better analyze their data.

The Google Analytics 360 Suite also offers integrations with many third party data providers and platforms, according to Paul Muret, VP of Analytics, Display, and Video Products at Google.

“It also plugs right into Google AdWords and DoubleClick Digital Marketing, our core ad technology,” Muret stated in a blog post, highlighting the announcement. “That means marketers can turn analytics into action by combining their own data from multiple sources ― website data, audience data, and customer data (e.g. CRM) and more ― and using it to make ads more relevant for people.”