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Study: 82% Of B2B Marketers Lack Confidence In Their Demand Gen Campaigns

Featured Study: 82% Of B2B Marketers Lack Confidence In Their Demand Gen Campaigns

B2B marketers are tasked, and expected, to produce higher-quality leads en masse. But new research conducted by Demand Gen Report and sponsored by SnapApp shows that the majority (82%) of B2B marketers are only “somewhat confident” or “not very confident” in the effectiveness of their demand generation campaigns.

“At it’s core, we sensed there was discord in the market based on conversations we’ve had with marketing people on the road,” said Aaron Dun, SVP of Marketing at SnapApp, in an interview with Demand Gen Report. “Our belief is that marketers are overwhelmed, and our thesis is that when marketers look at the goals of the organization — and seeing what they need to achieve — they realize that only doing incrementally better isn’t enough anymore.”

The Campaign Confidence Gap report surveyed more than 100 B2B marketers to identify gaps and challenges with traditional B2B marketing campaigns. One-third (33%) of respondents said that one of their challenges was in developing calls-to-action that capture prospects’ attention.

Dun says that this is because “traditional demand gen is one way and sales focused, and going into 2017, we’re seeing a massive shift to having two-way conversations with prospective buyers,” he said. ”This makes [content] much more relevant and contextual, and marketers are seeing much better results after transforming their demand generation initiatives this way.”

Fifty-four percent of B2B marketers surveyed said that they saw a 20% increase in open rates after taking a more content-enabled approach with their demand generation initiatives, while 66% saw at least a 5% increase in click-through rates. Ultimately, two-thirds of those that have taken a more buyer-centric, content-enabled demand gen approach are seeing a greater response to lead generation offers.